

Life Cycle Perennial
Planting Season Fall
Color Mixed
Growth Habit Clumping, Upright
Bloom Season Early Spring

Plant Characteristics Attracts Bees, Attracts Pollinators, Easy to Grow & Maintain
Use Container Garden
Growing Conditions Cold Tolerant, Outdoor
Plant Resistance Deer

About Purple & White Mix - Crocus Bulbs

Crocus vernus

Seed Type Corm

We love crocuses because they mean spring is here! Our Purple and White Mix, with beautifully contrasting deep purples and bright whites, will turn your garden into a carpet of color. These beauties will grow up to 3 inches tall, and they're perfect in rock gardens, beds, borders, and along walkways. Combine them with large-flowering crocuses for an extended bloom time! Bonus: they're deer-resistant, and bees love them.

Planting Information

Planting Purple & White Mix - Crocus Bulbs

Planting Season Fall
Light Requirement Full Sun
Planting Depth 3 to 4 inches
Plant Height 3 inches
Plant Spacing 2 to 3 inches
Water Needs Low
Hardiness Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Bulb Size 5+cm circumference
View our Crocus Planting Guide to learn more.


Recommended Coverage
100 Bulbs / Fall-Planted | Ships in Fall Up to 10 Sq. Ft
25 Bulbs / Fall-Planted | Ships in Fall Up to 15 Sq. Ft
50 Bulbs / Fall-Planted | Ships in Fall Up to 5 Sq. Ft

Companions Plants

Companion Plants for Purple & White Mix - Crocus Bulbs