How to Plant Salvia Roots

When to Plant Salvia Roots

Plant your Salvia roots in the Spring after the danger of the last frost has passed. 

Where to Plant Salvia Roots

Plant in a sunny location that has well draining soil. Many varieties do well in partial-shade, but note that flowering will be reduced.

How to Plant Salvia Roots

Loosen the soil about 12 inches deep and 1 - 3 feet apart. Amend to soil with a few inches of compost to provide nutrients. Carefully fill in around the plant and gently compress into the soil and water thoroughly.

How to Care for Salvia 

You can add a 2-inch layer of mulch around the plant to help retain moisture. Water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. At the end of the season, leave flowers on plants to encourage reseeding.