How to Plant Hosta Roots

Where to plant Hostas

Plant your Hostas in rich, moist, well-drained soil. Hostas prefer partial shade to shade (Approx. 2 1/2 hrs. of morning sun and afternoon shade) and need protection from the hot summer sun. Blue Hostas need more shade to retain their blue color and the yellow and white leaved varieties require more sun to maintain their color. Thick leaved Hostas will tolerate more sun compared to thin leaved varieties.

When to Plant Hostas

Plant your fall-planted Hostas several weeks before the soil freezes. This gives plants plenty of time to sink roots before harsh weather arrives.

How to Plant Hostas

Plant your Hostas with the roots pointing downwards and the eye just below soil level. Space the bulbs according to the mature width of the variety. (Example: a Hosta with a mature width of 20" plant half that, or 10" from the next bulb, a Hosta with a mature width of 48" plant 24"; from its neighbor, etc.)

Hostas like plenty of water and additionally, the larger leaved varieties may also need more water. As is typical, Hostas like a good watering weekly as opposed to multiple light watering a couple times a week  - an inch of water is a good measurement to go on. Sprouts can be expected within a few weeks in warm climates and in the spring in cool climates.

How to Care for Hostas

If planted in poor soil, fertilizing your Hosta in spring to mid-summer with a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer is recommended. Cease feeding after July to allow the plant to harden for the winter. Hosta blooms typically occur mid-summer. Both leaves and flowers can be cut from the plant and it will not harm the plant. When finished blooming, remove the dead stalks.

Note about Hostas

It takes 4-8 years for a Hosta to reach full size. Propagate by dividing crowded clumps in the spring when new shoots appear. The best time is in the fall after the leaves die or in August/mid-Sept, or one month before the first frost. This will give the roots sufficient time to establish themselves before winter